
pip-compile-multi supports many options to customize compilation.

Requirements Directory

While it’s a common practice to put requirements files inside requirements directory, it’s not always the case. The directory can be overridden with this option:

-d, --directory TEXT   Directory path with requirements files

Requirements Files Extensions

By default pip-compile-multi compiles *.txt from *.in files. While this is a common naming pattern, each project can use it’s own:

-i, --in-ext TEXT      File extension of input files
-o, --out-ext TEXT     File extension of output files

Disable upgrades

When new dependencies are added it’s tempting to keep everything else the same. To recompile .txt keeping satisfying version use --no-upgrade:

--upgrade / --no-upgrade    Upgrade package version (default true)

The option has no effect if there are no existing .txt files.

Upgrade only selected packages

To upgrade only one package and keep everything else untouched, use following option:

-P, --upgrade-package TEXT  Only upgrade named package.
                            Can be supplied multiple times.

Under the hood it uses the same option of pip-compile and runs compilation only for files that have one of the passed packages.

This option implies --no-upgrade and takes precedence over --upgrade.

Thanks to Jonathan Rogers.

Use Cache

By default pip-compile-multi executes pip-compile with --rebuild flag. This flag clears any caches upfront and rebuilds from scratch. Such a strategy has proven to be more reliable in edge cases, but causes significant performance degradation.

Option --use-cache removes --rebuild flag from the call to pip-compile.

-u, --use-cache             Use pip-tools cache to speed up compilation.


When using --use-cache, pip-compile-multi can run 10 times faster. But if you run into “magical” issues, try to rerun compilation without this flag first.

Compatible Releases

PEP-440 describes compatible release operator ~=. Sometimes it’s useful to have some of the dependencies pinned using this operator. For example, rapidly changing internal libraries. The format for this option is

-c, --compatible TEXT

where TEXT is a glob pattern for library name. This option can be supplied multiple times.

Generate hashes

Put package hash after pinned version for additional security. Format for this option is

-g, --generate-hashes TEXT  Environment name (base, test, etc.) that needs
                            packages hashes. Can be supplied multiple times.

Example invocation:

$ pip-compile-multi -g base -g docs

Example output:

pip-tools==1.11.0         --hash=sha256:50288eb066ce66dbef5401a21530712a93c659fe480c7d8d34e2379300555fa1         --hash=sha256:ba427b68443466c389e3b0b0ef55f537ab39344190ea980dfebb333d0e6a50a3
first==2.0.1         --hash=sha256:3bb3de3582cb27071cfb514f00ed784dc444b7f96dc21e140de65fe00585c95e         --hash=sha256:41d5b64e70507d0c3ca742d68010a76060eea8a3d863e9b5130ab11a4a91aa0e         # via pip-tools

pip requires all packages to have hashes if at least one has it. pip-compile-multi will recursively propagate this option to all environments that are referencing or referenced by selected environments.

Allow Unsafe Packages

If your project depends on packages that include setuptools or other packages considered “unsafe” by pip-tools and you still wish to have them included in the resulting requirements files, you can pass this option to do so:

-s, --allow-unsafe          Whether or not to include 'unsafe' packages
                            in generated requirements files. Consult
                            pip-compile --help for more information

This is commonly used with –generate-hashes to avoid generating requirements files which cannot be installed.

Custom Header

pip-compile-multi adds a brief header into generated files. Override it with

-h, --header TEXT      File path with custom header text for generated files

Limit .in files

By default pip-compile-multi compiles all .in files in requirements directory. To limit compilation to only a subset, use

-n, --only-name TEXT        Compile only for passed environment names and
                            their references. Can be supplied multiple

For example, to compile one file under Python2.7 and another under Python3.6, run:

$ virtual-env27/bin/pip-compile-multi -n deps27
Locking requirements/deps27.in to requirements/deps27.txt. References: []
$ virtual-env36/bin/pip-compile-multi -n deps36
Locking requirements/deps36.in to requirements/deps36.txt. References: []

Forbid .postX release

pip-compile-multi can remove .postX part of dependencies versions.

-p, --forbid-post TEXT      Environment name (base, test, etc) that cannot
                            have packages with post-release versions
                            Can be supplied multiple times.


Be careful with this option since different maintainers treat post releases differently.

Check that pip-compile-multi was run after changes in .in file

pip-compile-multi adds a special line (before header) at the beginning of each generated file. This line contains a SHA1 hash of the .in file’s contents.


$ pip-compile-multi verify
Verifying that requirements/base.txt was generated from requirements/base.in.
Success - comments match.
Verifying that requirements/test.txt was generated from requirements/test.in.
Success - comments match.
Verifying that requirements/local.txt was generated from requirements/local.in.
Success - comments match.

recalculates hashes for .in files and compares them with the stored values.

If verification fails, an error message is logged and exit code 1 is returned:

$ pip-compile-multi verify
Verifying that requirements/base.txt was generated from requirements/base.in.
Success - comments match.
Verifying that requirements/test.txt was generated from requirements/test.in.
Expecting: # SHA1:c93d71964e14b04f3c8327d16dbc4d6b1bbc3b1d
Found:     # SHA1:6c2562322ca1bdc8309b08581a2aa4efbb5a4534
Verifying that requirements/local.txt was generated from requirements/local.in.
Success - comments match.

In big teams it might be a good idea to have this check in tox.ini:

skipsdist = true
skip_install = true
deps = pip-compile-multi
commands = pip-compile-multi verify
whitelist_externals = pip-compile-multi